Can Plan B make you infertile?
About Plan B
Plan B and Fertility FAQ

Whether it was a night of unbridled passion or just a big whoopsie, emergency contraception is here to save the day. You may be thankful for emergency contraception like Plan B but you may also be wondering can plan b make you infertile and how does plan b affect fertility. Fertility options help us all but only if we understand when to use them, how they work, and more importantly, how they don’t work. In this post we’ll go over how emergency contraception works and how it affects your future fertility. We’ll also cover how effective it is and answer some of your burning questions about Plan B and your reproductive health.
Can Plan B make you infertile?
Plan B is a temporary and emergency contraceptive that is used to prevent pregnancy after a contraceptive accident or unprotected sex. It has no long-term effects on your fertility and does not cause future infertility. It is meant to be fast-acting and temporary, rather than a routine method of birth control. When used properly, it is an effective method for preventing pregnancy after unprotected intercourse and has no effect on future fertility.
About Plan B
Plan B is an emergency contraceptive pill that is available as one dose of levonorgestrel. This synthetic form of the hormone progestin is taken to prevent a potential pregnancy within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex.
How does Plan B work
Plan B works by delaying or temporarily stopping ovulation so that fertilization does not take place. Ovulation is controlled by hormone releases and Plan B contains one large dose of levonorgestrel, an ingredient commonly found in hormonal birth control pills. When taken within 72 hours of ejaculatory sex, this large hormone influx works to stop or delay the release of an egg from the ovary and thereby prevent fertilization. It also changes the uterine lining to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching and turning into a pregnancy. Many people have asked if plan b can cause infertility but there is no evidence to support this. Emergency contraception leaves the body within days and does not affect future fertility.
How often can you take Plan B?
Emergency contraception has no long-term harmful effects and you can take it multiple times. You may experience some of the unpleasant side effects in the short term, but there are no enduring effects. If you’re wondering “can taking too much plan b make you infertile?” The answer to that question is a resounding no. Experts agree that there are no long-term effects on future fertility from taking emergency contraception. If you find yourself relying on emergency contraception like Plan B too often, it might be best to speak to your doctor about a more reliable form of contraception. If you find yourself asking “can taking too much plan b make you infertile” you may need a more consistent plan for avoiding pregnancy. Emergency contraception like Plan B is safe and effective but not an ongoing solution to prevent pregnancy.
How effective is Plan B?
When it comes to the effectiveness of Plan B, sooner is better. When taken within three days of unprotected ejaculatory sex, you can lower your chance of getting pregnant by 75-89%. It is most effective when taken within 24 hours of the event. When taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex Plan B is 95% effective but that rate drops as the time of dose increases. When taken within 48 to 72 hours of unprotected sex it is only about 61% effective.
What are the side effects of Plan B?
Although there are no known harmful long-term side effects, you may experience a host of other physical symptoms when taking Plan B. The large dose can turn your hormones on their heads and you may temporarily experience the effects of that. These effects include nausea, abdominal cramping, and irregular bleeding but can also include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and breast pain. Reactions like migraines and severe pain are less common but do occur. If your symptoms are severe, seem out of the ordinary, or continue for more than 48 hours you should see a healthcare professional. Serious side effects like itching, rash, severe pain or cramping, and extremely heavy bleeding should be looked at immediately.
Plan B and fertility FAQ
It’s natural to have more questions about Plan B and whether it affects your fertility. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Plan B and fertility.
Does Plan B affect future ovulation?
Since Plan B has no long-term effects on your menstrual cycle, it does not affect future ovulation. For most people, they will get their next period when expected and their cycle will continue as normal.
Does Plan B affect your hormones?
Plan B contains the same type of hormone used in some oral contraceptives, albeit in a single, higher dose. This causes a change in hormone levels since the dose is approximately three times more than a regular birth control pill. The concentrated dose may cause some side effects but they should not be extreme or severe.
Can Plan B affect a pregnancy test?
Pregnancy tests measure the hormone HCG that is not chemically related to the ingredients of Plan B therefore there is no reason Plan B could affect a pregnancy test. But the real world answer is, “it depends.” There’s a reason why you have to wait two weeks to take a pregnancy test since testing too early can lead to a false-negative result. If you don’t get your next period or are experiencing pregnancy symptoms you should take a pregnancy test. Plan B is more effective the sooner you take it but if fertilization and implantation have already occurred Plan B will not work and the pregnancy will proceed.
Is Plan B an abortion pill?
Plan B is not an abortion pill and does not cause abortion or miscarriage. It is a form of emergency contraception that contains a synthetic form of the hormone progestin that works by delaying or preventing ovulation. It does not prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus but works to prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation so a sperm and egg can never meet. Emergency contraception pills like Plan B have shown that they are not effective once ovulation has already taken place.