This amazing wand tracks 3 key fertility hormones at once


6 minute read Updated on 11th February 2025

This amazing wand tracks 3 key fertility hormones at once

Written by Shelby Hale
Medically reviewed by Banafsheh Kashani, MD, FACOG

Did you know that there are only approximately six days each cycle where it is possible to get pregnant? And if you’re actively trying to plan a pregnancy, being able to pinpoint those six days each cycle is crucial for not just getting pregnant, but getting pregnant as fast as possible!

One of the best ways to do this is by tracking three key fertility hormones at home with Mira… and then letting Mira’s advanced AI technology do the rest of the work.


Read on to learn all about:

  • Hormone tracking with Mira.
  • How to test for Estrogen-Estradiol Metabolite (E3G), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Pregnanediol Glucuronide (PdG) at the SAME time.
  • How to pre-order our new Mira Max testing wands.

Let’s go!

Why Track Your Hormones When TTC?

When it comes to fertility and getting pregnant, hormones are everything – here’s why.

During the first half of the menstrual cycle (i.e. the follicular phase), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) help to support early egg development. Once a dominant egg follicle emerges, it then begins to produce estrogen.

When estrogen levels are sufficiently elevated, luteinizing hormone (LH) is then produced; triggering the release of an egg through ovulation. It is during this time frame (approximately four days before ovulation until one day after ovulation) that your chances of conception are at their highest.

After ovulation, progesterone rises and estrogen falls before rising again midway through the second half of the cycle (i.e. the luteal phase). During this time, both hormones prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.

If you are TTC, tracking these fertility-related hormones can help you:

  • Better understand your individual cycle patterns
  • Predict ovulation and your fertile window
  • Plan sex with your partner at the most optimum time
  • Confirm whether or not ovulation has actually occurred

You can measure and track your hormones at your doctor’s office with regular blood testing – but this can be expensive and time consuming! A more economic option is by using an at-home hormone tracking system like Mira.

What is Mira and How Does it Work?

Mira is a hormone tracking system that consists of three key elements: the Mira Analyzer, Mira Test Wands, and the Mira App.

Currently, the Mira system can test the following three fertility-related hormones:

  • Estrone-3-glucoronide (E3G, a urine metabolite of estradiol)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
  • Pregnanediol 3 Glucuronide (PdG, a urine metabolite of progesterone)

Testing for each hormone is simple. All you have to do is take a urine sample, test it with a testing wand, and then insert the wand into the Mira Analyzer. After approximately 21 minutes of analysis, your exact hormone concentration results will be displayed on the Analyzer and in the Mira App. The app will also provide you with insights about your fertile window and day of ovulation, so that you can plan sex with your partner at the most optimum time for getting pregnant.

Even if you are not trying to conceive, Mira’s insights can help you with other aspects of your reproductive health. For example, if your periods are irregular, you can use Mira to monitor your individual cycle patterns. This information can then be used alongside any treatments or lifestyle changes to help regulate your cycle.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or not, tracking your hormones with Mira is a great way to stay on top of your fertility and reproductive health.

Mira vs. Other Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)

The fluctuation of hormones throughout the menstrual cycle can cause certain biological symptoms. This includes changes in mood, temperature, cervical mucus, and cervical positioning. These symptoms can be tracked meticulously using various fertility awareness methods (FAMs) – such as the basal body temperature (BBT) method and the cervical mucus method.

However, it’s important to note that these methods only track hormonal symptoms and not the hormones themselves. Not only that, but it can take some time to learn how to properly follow each method, with some methods taking up to 6-12 cycles before they can be used effectively to plan a pregnancy.

With Mira’s direct hormone tracking, you are able to:

  • See your hormone levels in real-time
  • Pinpoint your fertile window within just a few cycles and
  • Get pregnant faster

Don’t get us wrong, we still want you to stay aware of your biological symptoms! That’s why we’ve created a space in the Mira App where you can log any changes to cervical mucus, BBT, spotting, mood, cravings, libido, and much more. Together with your real-time hormone concentrations, you’ll have a clear picture of what’s going on inside your body each cycle.

Mira and PCOS

It’s important to note that Mira is particularly helpful for those who struggle with irregular cycles, oftentimes due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Why? Because unlike ovulation predictor kits (OPKs), Mira does not use statistical averages to predict when ovulation should be.

Instead, Mira’s advanced AI can predict your most fertile days based on your personalized hormone levels and patterns. This is a gamechanger for individuals with PCOS who may have naturally elevated LH levels and/or experience multiple LH peaks per cycle.

For further information about how Mira can help you if you have PCOS, check out our page Getting Pregnant with PCOS.

Say Hello to Mira Max Wands

If you’re already a Mira user, you’re probably familiar with our three different testing wands: Fertility Wands (which only measure LH), Fertility Plus Wands (which measure both LH and E3G), and the Fertility Confirm Wands (which only measure PdG).

However – gone are the days where you have to purchase multiple different wands to pinpoint your fertile window and confirm ovulation. Instead, test all three hormones at once with our brand-new Mira Max Wands.

Here are all the details you need to know:

  • One wand, three hormones: Estradiol Metabolite (E3G), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Pregnanediol Glucuronide (PdG)
  • Estimate your fertile window
  • Predict and confirm ovulation
  • FDA and CE listed
  • Compatible with all iOS and Android devices
  • 99% lab-grade accuracy
  • Compatible with the Mira Analyzer (software version 01.06.XX.XX or above)

Compare the Mira Wands

Mira Max (LH+E3G+PdG) Mira Confirm (PdG) Mira Fertility Plus(LH + E3G)
Tracks 3 key fertility hormones (LH + E3G + PdG) at once
Predicts ovulation day and full fertile window (around 6 days)
Confirms ovulation
Numerical, crystal clear results

Pre-order your Mira Max Wands today!

Our Mira Max Wands are not currently in stock… but they will be very soon! Place an order today to secure your wands and receive them as quickly as possible.

Why pre-order?

  • Be first on the list. Only limited quantities will be available during the official launch. Customers who pre-order will receive them first.
  • Save money. We will be offering special discounts on pre-orders.
  • No risk. Free cancellation anytime if you change your mind or become pregnant while waiting.

Please note that the Mira Max Wands are expected to ship in August 2022 and are subject to reasonable manufacturing and/or delivery delays.

Pre-order now

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