Pregnancy tests can be ambiguous sometimes, especially when you receive conflicting test results while trying to conceive (TTC). It may cause extra stress, so it is essential to know why this “positive pregnancy test then negative next day” situation happens. In this article, we cover the possible reasons you are getting conflicting pregnancy test results and what to do after that to help you remove confusion and understand your next steps that may ease the process.
What Does a Changing Pregnancy Test Result Mean?
So, you have received a positive pregnancy test but it’s negative the next day? Now, you must be wondering what that means. While false positive test results are relatively rare, it can still happen. There are various reasons you get conflicting pregnancy test results, such as testing with two different pregnancy tests with varying sensitivity, chemical pregnancy, and ectopic pregnancy.
Home Pregnancy Tests
Before we review why it might happen, let’s understand how home pregnancy tests work. Home pregnancy tests detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine. There are two ways at-home pregnancy tests work: you can either pee on the stick or dip the test strip in a cup that has your pee. Then lay the strip flat and wait for the time given in the instruction (usually about 3-10 minutes). Most home pregnancy test brands claim 99 percent accuracy.

Why Results Might Change Suddenly
Pregnancy test results change suddenly for various reasons like if you’ve tested too early after sex, read the results too early or too late, tested with two different brands or tests with varying sensitivity, or chemical pregnancy.
Possible Reasons for a Positive Then Negative Pregnancy Test
There are some legitimate reasons for a positive pregnancy test then negative next day, including:
Evaporation Lines or False Positives
An evaporation line, or evap line, typically occurs when a test is left out past the reading time recommended in the instructions. As the liquid evaporates from the test, the salt from your urine can give a faint line. You may see a faint positive pregnancy test line, which is a false test result. So, to avoid any confusion with the evaporation line, read the result within the given time in the instructions.
Chemical Pregnancy
In a chemical pregnancy, miscarriage happens within five weeks of gestation. This happens so early that you cannot even see the pregnancy on an ultrasound, and you do not experience any chemical pregnancy symptoms or may not even realize you are pregnant because there are no signs of chemical pregnancy at 4 weeks.
How It Affects Test Results
Like clinical pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining but the development of the embryo stops shortly after implantation, causing hCG levels to fall rapidly. So, with a chemical pregnancy, you might get a positive result initially. However, when the embryo stops developing, you will get very faint lines or negative pregnancy test results.
What Is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test?
The best time to test for pregnancy is about a week after a missed period and using your first morning urine.
The Role of hCG Levels in Early Testing
While sperm fertilizes an egg within 24 hours after ovulation, your body takes time to produce detectable hCG levels.
Misinterpretation of Test Results
A few things to consider to avoid misinterpretation include:
Reading Pregnancy Tests Correctly
Misreading pregnancy tests is one of the common reasons for false positive pregnancy test results. As discussed earlier, leaving the test too long before reading the result, often leads to evap lines that create confusion.
Importance of Timing and Testing Instructions
It is important to read the pregnancy test results within the given timeframe. Most home pregnancy tests usually show results between 3 to 10 minutes. Reading too early may lead to misinterpretation, and too late can create evaporation lines, which look like positive readings, causing confusion and incorrect conclusions.
Digital vs. Traditional Line-Based Tests
Digital pregnancy tests are easy to use. They usually show clear results, eradicating confusion. The result shows you a written “pregnant” or “not pregnant” answer. Studies have revealed that digital tests can decrease the chances of a false positive pregnancy test result.
Traditional line-based tests have a control line and a test result line. During early pregnancy, the test result line can be faint, making it confusing to read the results. These are cheaper than digital tests.
Medical Conditions That Can Affect Pregnancy Test Accuracy
How an Ectopic Pregnancy Affects hCG Levels
In an ectopic pregnancy, an embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in a uterine tube. When this pregnancy grows, it causes the tube to rupture, which can cause internal bleeding. This is a medical emergency.
While there is no embryo in the uterus, the hCG will still be produced, which triggers a positive pregnancy test.
How Miscarriage Can Lead to Mixed Results
When a miscarriage happens, the hCG levels do not go down immediately, and typically it takes 9-35 days to completely leave the system. If you take a pregnancy test within this period, you will most probably get a false result because the test can still detect hCG. However, after this duration, the test result will be negative.
Other Medications and Medical Conditions
Some medications also inflate hCG levels, if you take a pregnancy test false positive results will occur. Fertility medicines like “trigger shots” contain hCG that triggers follicles to release an egg.
So, if you test within a 7-14-day window after fertility treatment, you will most likely get a positive pregnancy test result because of the residual hCG present in your system but later receive negative results when the hCG leaves your body.
Other medications can meddle with hormone levels and confuse testing. It is always a good idea to talk to your doctor about the medicines before taking the test.
Moreover, medical conditions like ovarian cysts, liver disease, and pituitary problems can also cause elevated hCG levels, leading to a false positive.

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Coping with Uncertainty
Getting conflicting pregnancy test results when you are trying to conceive (TTC) can be challenging, especially when you receive a positive result and then a negative. Trying a different brand, maybe a digital test stick can help ensure you read the tests correctly. We understand that moving on and staying positive can be difficult when there is uncertainty. However, emotional support from loved ones may ease the process.
Seeking Support and Guidance
Trying to conceive can be stressful and may take a toll on you emotionally, but what really helps is seeking support and guidance from friends, family, and experts. A healthcare provider will properly guide you on your next steps, and asking questions will also help you in the future pregnancy planning.
You can reach out to Mira’s Hormone Health Clinic for Fertility for personalized support throughout your conceiving journey, where experts guide you in often overlooked areas including nutrition, hormonal imbalances, gut health, exercise routines, sleep quality, and stress management.
Understanding When to Consult a Doctor
If you are getting conflicting pregnancy test results and are confused, consulting a doctor is a good idea. You can ask about a blood hCG test, which will be less confusing and can give you clarity. A doctor may also help you prepare your body for pregnancy and guide you throughout if you have planned it.
What to Do After Receiving Conflicting Test Results
Retesting After 48 Hours
If you have received two different pregnancy test results, it is a good idea to wait and retest after 48 hours.
When to See a Healthcare Provider
If the pregnancy test result is positive or negative but you still have not had your period, you must visit a healthcare provider to understand what you should do as they will be able to guide you properly during the whole journey.
Additional Tests Your Doctor Might Recommend
Your doctor might recommend additional blood tests to know what is happening and help you prepare your body for future pregnancy.
If your cycle hasn’t resulted in pregnancy or you have received conflicting results, don’t lose hope. You can take control of your fertility journey by monitoring hormones or tracking data about your menstrual cycle, such as predicting ovulation and identifying the most fertile days that may help plan a pregnancy.
You can use Hormone Monitor with Mira App to track the hormones essential for healthy fertility journey, such as Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Pregnanediol Glucuronide (PdG), Estrogen-Estradiol Metabolite (E3G), and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) from the comfort of your home. You receive results in the form of easy-to-understand numeric values.
This also gives an insight into hidden hormonal issues or imbalances, helping you make informed decisions about your fertility. Mira allows you to take control of your fertility journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can hCG be wrong?
Yes, home pregnancy tests can be wrong, usually when you do not follow the instructions or test too early. Other factors, like the sensitivity of the test, can affect the results of home pregnancy tests. You can even be pregnant with negative hCG if the sensitivity is low.
What can cause false positives on a pregnancy test?
Various factors cause a pregnancy test to be false positive, such as evaporation lines, medications, or other medical conditions like ovarian cysts.
Can a pregnancy test be negative one day and positive the next?
Yes, you can get a negative pregnancy test one day and a positive the next if you take the test too early. This happens because hCG levels elevate in the first few weeks after implantation.