16 Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy (Do They Work?)


13 minute read Updated on 5th March 2025

16 Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy (Do They Work?)

Written by Kelly Berry
Medically reviewed by Banafsheh Kashani, MD, FACOG

Humans have been using crystals and gemstones for everything from health and protection to manifesting desires for thousands of years. With an estimated 15% of couples having trouble conceiving, it’s no wonder then that many have turned again to this ancient method to help with fertility. Based on the belief that the right crystal can heal almost any physical problem, many women seek crystals for fertility as a way to increase their chances of getting pregnant.

And while there may not be much science to back them up, many people see positive results and swear by their benefits. Whether you’re looking after your emotional wellbeing, cleansing your chakras, or simply like the look of them there are plenty of valid reasons to use crystals.

In this post we’ll look at the best crystals for fertility and pregnancy, what the science says, and how to start using them. We’ll also answer a few of the most frequently asked questions about crystals for fertility and cover their common uses for both women and men.

Can crystals really help with fertility?

There isn’t much science to back up using crystals for fertility but that doesn’t mean people haven’t seen positive results with them. While the perceived benefits may just be the placebo effect rather than true results, there’s certainly no harm in using crystals to help with your fertility journey or to benefit your well-being as long as you are not solely relying on them as your treatment plan.

Crystal healing is mainly about harnessing the energetic properties of the crystals and stones to influence (and correct) any energy-related imbalances or problems in your energy centers (often referred to as “chakras”). The idea is that by tapping into the energetic powers and electromagnetic properties of the specific stone you can stimulate the body’s energy flow and restore balance. In the case of fertility, crystals are often chosen for their effects on reproductive organs, sexual energy, or to regulate your cycle.

The best crystals for fertility

Rose quartz

What it is

A pink form of quartz, this crystal is known as the crystal of universal love. Said to be rich in healing properties, it is strongly associated with both the heart and throat chakra. This stone is said to surround you in loving and compassionate energy and is one of the most popular gems.

What it’s used for

Used to provide a sense of inner peace and emotional protection, this stone is also said to foster feelings of self-love, compassion, and forgiveness.

How to use it

Keep this stone of unconditional love close by at all times so you can receive maximum benefits. Wear as jewelry or place under your pillow at night to promote sexual vitality and sensuality.


What it is

Also associated with love, this green quartz gemstone promotes overall well-being and supports reproductive health. It also comes in shades of blue, red, orange, and gray and means prosperity and confidence.

What it’s used for

Aventurine is used to open the heart chakra and stir feelings of abundance, wealth, and growth. It is said to be brimming with natural energy and is the ideal crystal for those wanting to attract a dose of good luck.

How to use it

Use this stone to help build a solid foundation, emotionally or financially, on your journey to parenthood. It is best used during meditation practice and can promote peace and harmony while you are trying to conceive and throughout your pregnancy.


What it is

Another class of quartz, citrine is yellow or amber in color and is associated with prosperity, joy, and energy.

What it’s used for

This crystal is especially useful to keep your spirits high, particularly when you are struggling to get pregnant. It’s sunny color and “bright energy” are said to raise spirits and help you stay positive.

How to use it

This crystal is especially powerful when you are feeling emotionally drained or hopeless. Meditate with this stone to naturally raise your vibration.


What it is

A stone of many colors, fluorite is a form of calcium fluoride and is associated with finding direction, confidence, and self-love.

What it’s used for

Fluorite is said to be a breath of fresh air and is meant to clear or neutralize negative energy. It’s used to connect the human body and energy fields while also giving the wearer a deep sense of calm and joy. This can be especially helpful for those struggling with PCOS and PMS.

How to use it

Fluorite will fill your space with positivity and can be used in many different ways. Many practitioners of Feng Shui place it in their homes to attract luck and abundance. It naturally pairs well with many other stones and is a popular choice in crystal jewelry.


What it is

Steeped in feminine energy, this crystal is said to help balance hormones naturally and is known for its intuitive healing properties. Love and balance are said to find you when you use this stone and it is linked to new beginnings.

What it’s used for

Connected to the moon, the healing powers of Moonstone are used to bring balance back to your life and remind you of the cyclical nature of things. It is often suggested as a powerful tool to ease symptoms of PMS.

How to use it

The Moonstone brings a rich feminine energy and can be an amazing addition to your home. Place in any space you wish to be infused with harmony and emotional balance. To bring positivity and balance to fertility issues, place in your bedroom or close to your bed so the healing energies are where they are needed most.

Other suggested fertility crystals:


Linked to lower chakras and sexual energy, Carnelian is a popular crystal for conception. Place it on the womb to energetically boost your chances.


Popular in jewelry, this soothing stone helps fight feelings of frustration and allow you to go with the flow, rather than fight the tide.

Clear Quartz

This crystal is said to neutralize negative energy, ground your soul, and put you on the path to achieving your dreams. Many use this gem to amplify intentions and it is a powerful crystal for clarity.


Easily recognizable and the traditional birthstone of February, this purple and silver stone is known for serenity. Amethyst helps you balance the emotional load of fertility and helps whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.


A light coloured stone said to be full of calming energy and a powerful protector. Selenite is first used to boost fertility and then throughout pregnancy and motherhood for its protective powers.


A highly energetic stone, this gem can help flush blockages and stir sexual energy. It is often used in crystal grids or placed right on the womb space for healing.


Used by midwives, this gem is said to guide mothers in a harmonious pregnancy and can even give you a sense of calm.


A stone of peace and serenity, it is perfect for easing the natural anxieties surrounding pregnancy and childbirth.

Smoky Quartz

Grounding and stabilizing, this stone is known for its protective energies and is often used to influence reproductive organs and sexual energy. This crystal is especially powerful to stimulate male fertility or improve overall health.


A traditional talisman stone, Jade is known for its luck and good fortune, as well as emotional balance.


Similar to Rose Quartz for its ability to promote unconditional love, Rhodonite also elevates emotional balance and is a powerful confidence booster.

What does science say about fertility crystals?

Ancient traditions like Chinese Medicine have used crystals for healing for thousands of years, but it’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals or their claims of healing powers. Preliminary research suggested that crystals may have a minor effect on the body’s energy levels, but their power has yet to be proven in any peer reviewed journal.

In the scientific community, it is generally believed that the real power of crystals comes from the placebo effect – a potent connection between how belief, the brain, and the body can work together.

What they’re used for

Crystals are used to support your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They are intended to stimulate the energy centers or energy flow in the body that is also known as the chakra system.

In this system, each chakra or energy center correlates to a subtle part of the body and has individual attributes and associations. Crystals for fertility or getting pregnant often target the sacral or heart chakras for their association with fertility and love. When your chakras are balanced, energy can flow and it is believed that your life will flow better in all aspects.

How they work

Your mind is a powerful tool and research has found that it may have more healing power than we give it credit for. When it comes to crystals, this may be where their real power lies. People may be drawn to their color and beauty, but also use them to support their health and well-being through prayer, meditation, rituals, or even placing the stones on your body or around your house.

Each crystal is believed to have its own electromagnetic properties and vibrational energy that can then affect our bodies and minds. In other words, crystals are meant to direct and influence your energy toward better health or for a specific benefit. In terms of fertility, crystals may help with calming your mind, reducing stress, or even keeping you aligned with your goals. A little extra support can go a long way on your journey to parenthood, especially if you are stressed about getting pregnant or just want to increase your chances of conceiving naturally.

How to use fertility crystals

There are a number of ways you can use crystals to support your fertility, from wearing them to placing them around your home. Experiment with different techniques to find which one works the best for you to support your fertility journey.

Wear them

One of the most popular, and traditional, ways people use crystals is to wear them. Crystals have been used as amulets, talismans, or jewelry for thousands of years. Aside from their obvious beauty, wearing your crystals allows you to always have their healing properties near. Crystal jewelry abounds but you can also opt for putting a small stone in your pocket, purse, or even in your bra to keep it close.

Place it on your nightstand or under your pillow

Keeping your crystals close, like on your nightstand or under your pillow, allows you to feel their energy for a substantial amount of the day. Sleep is essential for good health and sleeping next to your fertility crystals can help you absorb their healing energy throughout the night. You can safely put them under your pillow or on your nightstand so they won’t disturb you while you sleep, but you’ll still be in their presence all night long.

Cleanse your lower chakras

Lower chakras, like the root and sacral chakra, are often associated with emotional stability and fertility. Cleansing your lower chakras with crystals can help with the flow of emotional and sexual energy and our ability to flow with change. Each chakra is associated with a corresponding color that also relates to the functionality of the nerve centers within that chakra. Your root chakra and sacral chakra are associated with the colors red and orange so choosing crystals in those colors can be beneficial when you are cleansing your lower chakras.

Bathe with them

Baths are a relaxing and soothing way to relieve stress. Not only can adding crystals to your bath help you harness their healing powers, but they can also help invoke feelings of connection and grounding to boost your mood or alleviate stress. Only use crystals that are safe for water (some will dissolve) and visualize the energy from the crystals entering your body as you bathe. Place crystals around the outside of the tub or even in the water for maximum exposure.

Create a crystal elixir

Crystal elixirs are waters infused with stones or crystals. The theory is that during the infusion process, the water is attuned to the vibration of that specific crystal so that when you consume the elixir you are also taking on the vibration of that crystal. However, not all crystals are safe in water so do your research on each specific stone before making your own and follow the instructions and recipe carefully for maximum safety.

Crystals for fertility FAQs

Are fertility crystals safe?

The safety of fertility crystals is all in how you use them. Most people use them on or around their body or home, but it’s important to note that you should never put crystals inside your body. There are no medical benefits and a foreign body in your vagina can cause harm rather than help in fertility. Some gemstones are even semi-porous meaning they could house bacteria and may be difficult to clean.

What are the best fertility crystals for men?

Fertility crystals for men often include black coral, hematite, and iron pyrite. Male fertility crystals often focus on enhancing virility, relieving stress, and supporting emotional healing to influence and boost male fertility. Carnelian, Jasper, and Tiger’s Eye are also commonly used.

What are the best crystals for IVF?

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) can be both physically and mentally challenging. The best crystals for IVF will help keep you in a positive mental state and aim to balance both the emotions and the physical body. Rose Quartz, Moonstone, and Green Aventurine are all commonly used for their stabilizing and balancing energies.

Do fertility bracelets really work?

Although the internet is full of anecdotal stories of their success, the scientific research simply doesn’t support them. Wearing bracelets adorned with crystals and gems chosen for their fertility boosting qualities may serve as a reminder to stay strong on your journey or help you feel supported, but their measurable effects are negligible.

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