Do I have PCOS? Take Our 2-Minute PCOS Symptoms Quiz


4 minute read Updated on 11th February 2025

Do I have PCOS? Take Our 2-Minute PCOS Symptoms Quiz

Written by Mira Fertility

Does your menstrual cycle feel a bit all over the place? Are you frustrated with symptoms like uncontrollable acne, unexplained weight gain, and/or unwanted hair growth (or loss)?

If these symptoms sound familiar, you could have undiagnosed PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). The condition, which affects approximately 8-13% of reproductive-aged women worldwide, is caused by an underlying hormone imbalance and can lead to irregular cycles, acne and excessive hair growth, and even infertility.

Despite the prevalence of PCOS, up to 70% of those affected remain undiagnosed. If you think you may be among the 70%, take our short 2-minute PCOS Symptoms Quiz to learn more about what your chances of having PCOS may look like.

Take the PCOS Symptoms Quiz

This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your body, menstrual cycle, and day-to-day symptoms. Your results will show whether or not your symptoms are aligned with the common symptoms of PCOS.

Please note that this self-assessment quiz is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

6 Quick Tips for Managing Symptoms of PCOS

If you think you may have PCOS, here are a few practical tips for managing the condition in your daily life.

Speak with your doctor

First things first: speak with your doctor.

There are several different treatment strategies for PCOS. Some of these strategies involve medication (such as hormonal birth control, Metformin, Clomiphene, or Letrozole) and others may focus more on lifestyle. A doctor can help you find a treatment plan that best suits your medical history, symptoms, and fertility goals.

Get to know your hormones

There is a lot you can learn about your body and hormone patterns – and you don’t even have to leave the house!

For example, Mira’s Panorama Lab Test screens for AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone), TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone), fT4 (Free Thyroxine), Prolactin, and Free Testosterone – five key biomarkers that can help you see whether or not your overall hormone levels are in balance.

You can also keep track of key reproductive hormones (such as Luteinizing Hormone, Estrone Glucuronide, and Pregnanediol Glucuronide) with the help of Mira’s at-home hormone monitor and app. Through regular hormone monitoring, you can track your unique cycle in real time and see a complete picture of your hormone curves.

Strive for a balanced diet

Individuals with PCOS also often struggle with insulin resistance. A balanced diet can help to increase insulin sensitivity while also helping to promote a healthy weight – both of which can improve menstrual cycle regularity and ovulation.

When it comes to maintaining a balanced diet with PCOS, doctors often recommend incorporating lots of whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into daily meal planning.

You can learn more about PCOS-friendly nutrition in our article 10 PCOS Fertility Diet Tips.

Supplement your diet

There are a number of different supplements that can be helpful for balancing overall hormone levels. Mira’s own PCOS Supplements contain Myo & D-Chiro Inositol (40:1 ideal ratio) with Folate & Vitamin D, to support ovarian health, promote hormone balance, and improve metabolism.

You can learn more about PCOS-friendly supplements in our article 12 PCOS Supplements & Vitamins to Help Your Body + Hormones.

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Move your body with exercise

Exercise is such a powerful tool for improving insulin resistance, managing weight, and balancing hormones. In fact, one study even found that exercise therapy helped to restore regular periods in 60% of PCOS patients.

Remember – exercise doesn’t have to be extreme! Even something as simple as taking regular walks around your neighborhood still counts as exercise, and it’s great for your body. The most important thing to focus on is finding an exercise routine that you enjoy and that you can commit to doing regularly.

Consider working with a fertility coach

Whether your goal is to get pregnant with PCOS or simply balance your hormones, a fertility coach can help you make it happen. Fertility coaches typically have backgrounds in nursing or similar fields (such as occupational therapy), and they can help you with things like tracking your menstrual cycle, understanding your hormone patterns, and implementing any lifestyle changes. They also provide emotional support throughout the process.

Ready to work with a fertility coach? Check out Mira’s Hormone Health Clinic for Fertility.

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Final Thoughts

At Mira, we know that life isn’t always easy with PCOS. It causes so many frustrating symptoms, and its impact on fertility can feel devastating.

However, we also want you to know that if you have or suspect that you have PCOS – you are not alone. There is a wealth of information and support available to you, and we see first-hand how research in this area of women’s health is continuing to improve.

If you would like to learn more about PCOS, we recommend checking out the following resources:

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