How to Get Pregnant with Irregular Periods (TTC Guide)


13 minute read Updated on 11th February 2025

How to Get Pregnant with Irregular Periods (TTC Guide)

Written by Shelby Hale
Medically reviewed by Banafsheh Kashani, MD, FACOG

If you’re one of the 14-25% of women with an irregular menstrual cycle, it’s normal to feel a bit worried or anxious about the process of getting pregnant.

In this article, we’re here to ease any concerns you may have and prepare you for the road ahead.

We’ll start by sharing some information on the basics of irregular periods and common underlying causes. We’ll also take a look at how ovulation tracking and testing may look different for individuals with irregular periods. To conclude, we’ll share some practical lifestyle changes you can make to enhance your chances of conception.

Ready? Let’s go!

What Are Irregular Periods?

Among women of reproductive age, a normal menstrual cycle (i.e. gap between periods) can last between 21 to 35 days. If the gap is longer or shorter than 21 to 35 days, the period is considered irregular.

Other characteristics of an irregular period include:

  • Periods lasting fewer than two days or longer than eight days
  • Cycles that vary in length by more than seven to nine days (for example, 24 days one cycle and 42 days the next)
  • Having fewer than four to nine menstrual periods in a year – this is called oligomenorrhea
  • Going 90+ days without a menstrual period with no medical explanation (i.e. pregnancy, hormonal contraception, or menopause) – this is called amenorrhea

Irregular periods can also be characterized by abnormal menstrual bleeding. Signs of abnormal menstrual bleeding include:

  • Menstrual periods lasting longer than eight days
  • Heavy menstrual flow that interferes with day-to-day life
  • Soaking through one or more pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours
  • Needing to “double-up” on menstrual pads
  • Filling a menstrual cup every 2-3 hours
  • Passing blood clots larger than the size of a quarter
  • Symptoms of anemia such as tiredness, dizziness, or shortness of breath

Individuals with irregular periods may experience one or more of the above symptoms, and these symptoms may vary from cycle to cycle.

Causes of Irregular Periods

The most common causes of irregular menstrual periods include:

  • Hormone imbalance due to lifestyle factors – common factors include chronic stress, being over/underweight, excessive alcohol and/or tobacco consumption, and exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – a condition caused by an underlying hormone imbalance that affects ovarian functioning.
  • Thyroid Disorders – various conditions in the thyroid that cause the body to produce too little or too much thyroid hormone.
  • Uterine Fibroids – noncancerous growths that can appear in the uterus during childbearing years.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) – an infection that occurs when bacteria in the vagina spreads to other organs within the female reproductive system.

It’s important to note that only a doctor can diagnose the underlying cause of an irregular period. If you have been experiencing abnormally long/short menstrual cycles accompanied by abnormal vaginal bleeding, speak with your doctor. They can provide you with the best care and advice for your individual situation.

Impact of Irregular Periods on Ovulation Tracking and Fertility

If your periods are irregular, this could be a sign that you are not ovulating regularly or even at all. Ovulation is the point during the menstrual cycle when the ovaries release an egg, and if an egg is not released through ovulation, conception is not possible.

If you are actively trying to conceive (TTC), you’re probably already aware of just how important it is to track ovulation in order to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Unfortunately, for individuals with irregular cycles, this task of tracking ovulation can be quite a challenge. The classic calendar method doesn’t work if your cycle is irregular, and OPKs are notoriously unreliable when used with irregular cycles.

If you are TTC and have an irregular cycle, the best way to predict ovulation is by tracking your hormones directly with Mira. Together with the Mira App, the Mira Monitor allows you to test and track up to four key fertility hormones (LH, E3G, PdG, and FSH) from the comfort of your home. Over time, you’ll be able to see a full picture of your hormone health, fertile window, and estimated day of ovulation – even if your cycle is irregular. This is all thanks to Mira’s powerful AI which is trained on over 1M real menstrual cycles, enabling it to detect even the tiniest of hormone fluctuations.

Ovulation Tracking 101

Predicting ovulation with an irregular cycle isn’t always easy, but it is possible! Here’s a quick overview of all the different tools and methods you can use to track ovulation.

  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Tracking – a method of predicting ovulation by tracking slight changes in BBT each day using a BBT thermometer.
  • Cervical Mucus Monitoring – a method of predicting ovulation by tracking changes to cervical mucus.
  • Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) – a hormone test (similar to a pregnancy test) that measures LH levels in urine to predict ovulation. Results are displayed as either ‘fertile’ or ‘not fertile’. Not always reliable for regular cycles.
  • Hormone Tracking – an advanced form of hormone tracking with a digital fertility monitoring system, such as the Mira Monitor and Wands. Results are displayed as numeric hormone concentration levels, allowing for personalized charting. Reliable for both regular and irregular cycles.

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When tracking key cycle dates, symptoms, and test results, it’s helpful to have all your data in one place. A great tool to help you stay organized is a fertility tracking app. For example, the Mira App is completely free and allows you to track key fertility data such as your period dates, BBT, cervical mucus characteristics, sex drive, mood, and more.

Lifestyle Factors to Improve Fertility

In addition to tracking ovulation and timing sex accordingly, it’s also important to be mindful of the different lifestyle factors that can enhance your chances of conception. Here are just a few to consider.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Being over or underweight can lead to hormone imbalance, which in turn can interfere with your body’s ability to ovulate and maintain a regular menstrual cycle. By keeping your weight within a healthy BMI range, you can reduce the time it takes to get pregnant while also reducing your risk of experiencing pregnancy complications.

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight is by eating a balanced pre-pregnancy diet, making sure that it’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. It’s also a good idea to stay active with regular exercise – even just 30 minutes of walking each day can do wonders for your overall physical health, fertility, and well-being.

Reducing Stress

Research shows that stress triggers hormonal imbalances, and even short-term stress and anxiety can cause irregular and missed periods.

If you are TTC, we recommend striving to keep your stress levels as low as possible. A great way to do this is by being proactive with self-care – a few strategies include:

  • Setting boundaries and saying ‘no’ to new commitments in your personal and professional life
  • Taking time for yourself to do hobbies and activities that you enjoy doing
  • Getting consistent amounts of sleep (at least seven to nine hours each night)
  • Moving your body regularly to boost endorphins
  • Seeking mental health support when you need it from a counselor, support group, or trusted loved one

You may not be able to eliminate all of the stressors in your life – however, eliminating some stressors and setting aside time to de-stress can help you feel more in control of your life and stress levels.

Taking Supplements

Taking the right combination of supplements can also help boost your chances of conception and set an early pregnancy up for success.

To start, anyone of reproductive age who could get pregnant should take a prenatal vitamin. This is because prenatal vitamins contain key nutrients essential for early fetal development, helping to reduce the risk of birth defects. In addition to supporting early fetal development, Mira’s own Prenatal Multi-Vitamin also supports hormone balance and general reproductive wellness, helping to boost your chances of conception.

Individuals with PCOS can also check out Mira’s PCOS Supplements which contain the perfect ratio of Myo & D-Chiro Inositol – two ingredients that help to restore ovulation and cycle regularity.

Getting Support

Tracking ovulation alongside managing your weight, nutritional intake, and stress levels can feel like a lot to juggle – but you don’t have to go through it alone! If you find yourself struggling to balance it all, there is no shame in seeking help from a support group or trusted adviser.

Not quite sure who to turn to? We’d love to see you in our virtual Hormone Health Clinic for Fertility! Our fully qualified and trained fertility coaches are here to answer questions, offer advice, and provide emotional support throughout your fertility journey. In addition to reviewing and assessing your Mira charts, they can also provide practical advice on nutrition, supplements, lifestyle, and strategies for getting pregnant as fast as possible.

Alternative Aids for Conception

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and taking prenatal supplements, it’s also worth considering the following alternative aids that may help improve your chances of conception.

  • Acupuncture – an alternative treatment that can help to promote relaxation, decrease stress levels, and improve blood flow to the uterus.
  • Herbal Supplements – certain herbs can support overall health and fertility. Some supplements are formulated to naturally balance hormones and menstrual cycles.
  • Meditation – practices such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, and progressive relaxation can help to reduce stress levels and restore the mind-body connection.

Other alternative aids that may help to promote relaxation and general well-being while TTC include reflexology, massage therapy, and essential oils.

When to Speak With Your Healthcare Provider

If you feel like you’ve done everything you can to balance your hormones and regulate your cycle but you still can’t conceive, it may be time to speak with your healthcare provider.

The general advice is to make an appointment with your doctor if you have been TTC for at least one year with no luck (if under the age of 35) or at least six months with no luck (if over the age of 35).

Ahead of your appointment, it never hurts to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible by taking a general fertility blood test at home. We offer this type of test at Mira – the Panorama Fertility Lab Test* – and it tests for five key fertility hormones that affect ovulation, cycle regularity, and thyroid functioning. After submitting your test, you’ll receive your results within 5-7 days. You can then take these results to your doctor’s appointment for further discussion and evaluation.

*Please note that Mira’s Panorama Fertility Lab Test is not the same as the Mira Monitor. The Panorama Fertility Lab Test is a one-time screening that provides a broad picture of overall reproductive health and ovarian reserve. The Mira Monitor is designed for ongoing use to help monitor hormonal trends related to fertility and ovulation.

Fertility Treatments for Irregular Periods

After discussing your situation, symptoms, and fertility goals with your doctor, they will likely suggest a treatment plan that can help you get pregnant.

The two most common fertility treatments for individuals with irregular periods include:

  • Lifestyle adjustments – such as losing/gaining weight, limiting alcohol and tobacco consumption, and reducing stress.
  • Fertility medications – such as letrozole or clomiphene which can help to induce ovulation and promote cycle regularity

If lifestyle adjustments and fertility medications have not worked, your doctor may refer you to a specialist in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs).

Final Thoughts

We know that having an irregular cycle can be stressful. However, it’s important to remember that many women go on to have healthy pregnancies – despite having an irregular period.

If you would like to learn more about how Mira can help you conceive with an irregular period, check out the following resources:

For further support, check out our library of free webinars, ebooks, and blogs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered an irregular period?

A period is considered irregular when the gap between periods is longer or shorter than 21 to 35 days.

Why is my menstruation irregular?

Irregular menstruation can be caused by a number of factors – such as general hormone imbalance, being over/underweight, PCOS, thyroid disorders, uterine fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Can you ovulate without a period?

Yes. It is possible to ovulate even if you haven’t had a period. This phenomenon is common among individuals with irregular cycles.

Why am I not ovulating but having periods?

The most common causes of anovulation (i.e. lack of ovulation with regular periods) include general hormone imbalance, being over/underweight, PCOS, thyroid disorders, premature ovarian failure (POF), and certain medications.

Is it possible to get regular periods naturally?

Yes. There are certain strategies you can try to help regulate your menstrual cycle. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and taking supplements that help to balance hormones.

What are the signs of pregnancy when you have irregular periods?

The most common signs of pregnancy for individuals with irregular periods include irregular bleeding or spotting, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

Can I still get pregnant with an irregular cycle?

Yes. If you experience irregular menstruation, pregnancy is still possible. To maximize your chances of conception, make sure to track your cycle (as best you can!), have regular sex, maintain a healthy weight, and keep your stress levels to a minimum.

If you have been TTC for at least one year (if under the age of 35) or at least six months (if over the age of 35) and still haven’t conceived, speak with your doctor for further advice.

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