Yo Male Fertility Sperm Test x 3

- iPhone | IOS 11 and Above
- Android | Android 6 and Above
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Not Recommended for Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis.
Why Test At-Home with YO?
In cases of infertility, the man is a contributing factor in approximately 50% of cases. A semen analysis is conducted to test a man’s sperm count (concentration), moving sperm (motility), normally shaped sperm (morphology), and other parameters.
One of the most important factors in achieving a pregnancy is the number of motile sperm in the sample. If the sperm cannot swim to the egg, natural pregnancy is not possible.
The YO Home Sperm Test analyzes your Sperm Concentration, Motility and Progressive Motility, Motile Sperm Concentration, and Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration. You will also receive a video recording of your sample and a Comprehensive PDF Test Report as part of the YO Test.

Results & the reference ranges

Result #1
WHO 6th Edition Clinical-Grade Semen Analysis Results
By checking sperm concentration, motility, and progressive motility, you’ll get vital information about his reproductive health. These results, based on WHO 6th Edition standards, help you make smart and informed decisions for the next steps in planning your future.
With the YO Male Fertility Test, you can check:
Sperm Concentration, M/mL: YO analyzes and reports the number of sperm cells in your semen sample (per ML.)
Sperm Motility, %: Motility is the percentage of your sperm cells that are alive and moving. This includes any type of active motion.
Progressive Motility, %: Progressive Motility is the percentage of sperm cells that are making forward progress, not just moving in place.
Motile Sperm Concentration, M/mL: The number of Motile Sperm in your sample, per ML.
Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration, M/mL: Represents the number or forward-moving sperm in your sample, per ML.

Result #2
PDF Report
YO creates a personalized and comprehensive PDF test report with your test results for professional insights and guidance. You can share the clear PDF report with your doctor or keep the results 100% private.
The YO Male Fertility Sperm Test follows the latest World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for male fertility testing, based on the 6th Edition Manual.

Result #3
Sperm video
As part of the YO Home Sperm Test, the YO App records and displays a live video of the sample during the Semen Analysis. Videos are saved with your results.
Videos are available for sharing with an expert, family, or friends if desired or kept 100% private inside the app for personal viewing.